Ministero Istruzione e Merito


"We believe that, as future adults, we can give politicians another point of view about the main issues we have to face nowadays" said the representative of the Spanish school taking part in the #euroscola session of 7 November 2019.

She went on: "We are a new generation with fresh ideas, but with the same values of cooperation and unity that we have learned from the EU".

The Italian representative added: "The value of a united Europe is of vital importance fur us, young students, as discussing about political, social and educational topics can make us feel part of something bigger than just ourselves."

The 520 students had the opportunity to ask their questions to the European Parliament vice-president Dimitris Papadimoulis.

Those ranged from the rise of extremism in Europe and fake news, to drugs liberalisation, external interferences in electoral processes, tech giants and the need for the EU to invest in technology, climate change and consumption patterns, through to the fight against inequalities and the need for a fairer society.

In the afternoon, students worked in groups, before deliberating and voting in plenary on their peers' proposals.

The day concluded with a Eurogame contest.


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